Czech Translation & Interpreting

Czech Translation

Translation to Czech with ease

Our Services

Our agency translates between Czech and English, German, Spanish, French. Italian and Slovak. Our competence covers general as well as expert translations in the following fields:

  • Legal such as contracts, T&C – with optional Czech legal check.
  • Technical and IT e.g. technical reports, manuals, user guides incl. localization of figures/schemes
  • Marketing materials like catalogues, brochures and web pages
  • Commercial e.g. correspondence
  • Administrative for example communication with authorities, compliance reporting…

We can also handle scientific translations in selected fields – please contact us for details.

The Czech Express Advantage

Express translations of short texts are delivered in 24 hours without any express surcharges. Short texts are less or equal to 2 normalized pages, exceptionally more based on our current capacity.

Translation Rates

Source and target language Rate per normalized page
(w/o VAT)
English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Italian, Russian Czech 250-350 CZK
Czech English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian 350-450 CZK
Slovak Czech 200-300 CZK
Czech Slovak 200-300 CZK

We are VAT payers, VAT 21% will be added to the above rates.

Price depends on complexity of source text. Proofreading by a native speaker linguist is included. Normalized page contains 1800 characters of the target text, including spaces. We round up to half pages.

Pricing of larger or specific projects, or translations that involve more complicated manipulation with source or target text are set individually. Our returning customers enjoy volume and loyalty discounts.